Szövegértés – Alapfok – Steven Spielberg
Steven Spielberg Steven Spielberg was born on the 18th of December, 1946, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Since his childhood he has wanted to make horror films and succeeded in scaring his three sisters with different tricks. Now Spielberg is one of the most talented and successful filmmakers. For Spielberg, success came early. When he was only twenty, he was given a seven-year contract with a film-studio. Since then Steven has made a number...
Szövegértés – alapfok
Mary is a Nurse My cousin Mary is a nurse at St. Paul’s Hospital. She has been in training since last September. She is a short blond girl with large grey eyes and lots of pep. Last evening when she came to our house for dinner I had a chance to ask her some questions. Mary has always wanted to be a nurse. When at school she dreamed of helping sick people become healthy. Now Mary finds the work interesting but the hours are very long....