Szövegértés – Alapfok – Steven Spielberg

steven spielbergSteven Spielberg


Steven Spielberg was born on the 18th of December, 1946, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Since his childhood he has wanted to make horror films and succeeded in scaring his three sisters with different tricks.

Now Spielberg is one of the most talented and successful filmmakers. For Spielberg, success came early. When he was only twenty, he was given a seven-year contract with a film-studio. Since then

Steven has made a number of world famous thrillers: Jaws, Raiders of the Lost Ark, ET (the Extra-Terrestrial), Jurassic Park and others.

In later years, his films began addressing humanistic issues such as the Holocaust, the slave trade, war, and terrorism. Spielberg won the Academy Award for Best Director for the films Schindler’s  List and Saving Private Ryan.

Spielberg’s success did not come without hard work. When he is directing a film, he often works a hundred hours a week. When the film is finished, he gets depressed because he misses the people he worked with — people that Spielberg calls his “family”. As Spielberg himself says, “Making movies is really all I know how to do.”


to be born —születni

to succeed — sikert ér el

to scare — megijeszt, megrémít

to address — megszólít, címez

issue — ügy

award — díj

director — redező

to miss — hiányol


Igaz, vagy hamis?


  1. Stephen Spielberg is an English film-maker.
  2. He succeeded in making a lot of well-known movies.
  3. When a child, Spielberg wanted to be a doctor.
  4. He signed his first contract at the age of twenty.
  5. Lately Spielberg made films on serious problems.
  6. Stephen Spielberg does not like to work more than forty hours a week.

Az alábbi szavak más szófajú alakjai találhatóak a szövegben, megtalálod őket?

horrible — __________________ success — ________________

director — __________________ terror — ________________

child — ____________________ human — ________________






  1. Stephen Spielberg is an English film-maker. False
  2. He succeeded in making a lot of well-known movies. True
  3. When a child, Spielberg wanted to be a doctor. False
  4. He signed his first contract at the age of twenty. True
  5. Lately Spielberg made films on serious problems. True
  6. Stephen Spielberg does not like to work more than forty hours a week. False



Нorrible — horror; success — (to) succeed; director — (to) direct;

terror — terrorism; child — childhood; human — humanistic.

Piroska Tímea

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