Típusfeladatok (Origo angol nyelvvizsga) – Nyelvhelyesség 1.rész

2015 számunkra a megújulást jelenti. Mind a vállalati nyelvoktatás frontján, mind pedig online vonalon. Meghallgattuk a véleményeiteket, és arra jutottunk, hogy a sok okosság, nyelvtanulási tipp mit sem ér, ha nem párosulnak hozzá feladatok. Így most egy 25 kérdéses feleletválasztós tesztet találsz itt – a megoldásokat ugyanebben a posztban fogod megtalálni 07.20-tól.

Ez a típusfeladat az ősidőktől fogva az Origo angol nyelvvizsga részét képzi, és piszok jó nyelvtanosnak kell lenned ahhoz, hogy hiba nélkül oldd meg.

Készen állsz? Hajrá!


1.”Have your kids been to the zoo yet?” “Yes, they said they … there.”

A/ had been                                  C/ were being

B/ would have been                    D/ will have been


2.”I don’t like taking a cold shower.” “I can never get used to  taking a cold shower … .”

A/ either                                         C/ too

B/ also                                            D/ neither


3.”How many apples have we got?” “…”

A/ There isn’t any apple              C/ Only little.

at home.

B/ There aren’t some.                  D/ Not too many.


  1. … a long time since I was in Italy.

A/ It had been                              C/ There’s

B/ There has been                        D/ It’s


  1. … pretty woman she is !

A/ What a                                      C/ How a

B/ How                                          D/ What


  1. … is not allowed in that room at all.

A/ No smoking                             C/ Smoking

B/ A smoking                                               D/ Any smoking


7.Each … in their home suited the style of their house.

A/ furnitures                                  C/ piece of furniture

B/ items of furniture                    D/ furniture


8…. of the telephones at the reception are working.

A/ Ones                                          C/ Any

B/ None                                         D/ No one


9.The sales manager … offered a company car but he didn’t want it.

A/ has                                             C/ had to be

B/ was                                            D/ is


  1. … was appointed head a doctor.

A/ The friends of her’s                 C/ A fried of her

B/ The friend of hers                   D/ A friend of hers


  1. Can you … the horses for me while I’m in hospital.

A/ care                                           C/ take care

B/ look to                                      D/ look after


  1. … with a host family is a better way of practising English.

A/ The living                                 C/ Living

B/ Live                                           D/ Life


  1. … yourself and call me up every evening.

A/ Mind for                                   C/ Take care of

B/ Look out                                  D/ Beware of


  1. Tomorrow my grandfather and my grandmother … for fifty years.

A/ will have been married          C/ will have married

B/ will marry                                 D/ will be married


  1. Could I … the oil level checked?

A/ make                                         C/ have

B/ want                                          D/ ask


  1. I can’t lend you money until I … my salary.

A/ collect                                       C/ will colleet

B/ won’t collect                             D/ don’t collect


  1. What do you think of … modern ballet?

A/ the our                                      C/ the

B/ –                                                  D/ a


  1. Have you ever done … worth mentioning?

A/ some                                         C/ anything

B/ any                                            D/ somewhat


  1. She … the guests their rooms.

A/ has just shown                        C/ just showing

B/ just has shown                        D/ just had shown


  1. He has always liked fitness. He … body strengtheneng exereises three times a day.

A/ is doing                                     C/ does alway

B/ does                                           D/ had done


  1. She said she … me, but she didn’t.

A/ will visit                                     C/ would have

B/ would visit                                D/ will have vi


  1. We invited friends to supper and it’s too la to put them … now.

A/ away                                         C/ off

B/ on                                              D/ over


  1. We … never to go near the border.

A/ have told                                  C/ have been 1

B/ have been told                        D/ was telling


  1. It is very urgent. I want it … as quickly as

A/ did                                             C/ do

B/ will done                                   D/ done


  1. I wanted to buy a Sony camcorder, but the the last one yesterday.

A/ has sold                                    C/ was selling

B/ was sold                                    D/ sold


Piroska Tímea

Szerző: Piroska Tímea

Piroska Tímea 15 éve nyelvtanár, felnőttképzési szakértő, tagja a Nyelvtanárok Nemzetközi Egyesületének. Leginkább felnőtt nyelvtanulókkal foglalkozik, motiváló órákat tart és kommunikációs gátakat tör át. Saját nyelviskolát vezet, ami vállalati nyelvoktatásra szakosodott.

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